Salto Piscine pool accident video trending on Twitter and other social media platform. This is horrible incident video that circulated on the internet web.
According to the report this video recorded in France with the name of Salto Piscine pool accident video twitter. This is not clear about the man who is in this video it is an unidentified man and the video.

Salto Piscine Pool Accident Video
It is the trending video on Twitter where a man can be seen jumping into the pool. First this man takes judgment to dive into pool. He jumps into the pool but his head get hit to the floor and below the neck body touches pool. One can see his head was broke and bl**d can be seen. His mouth from nose side gets broke into two pieces this is horrible accident.
His nose has been hit massively to the floor that he has a big cut on it. Area from his nose got break into two pieces.
The name of this man is not known. It is still unclear why he was trying to shoot video while diving. Whether he planned to hit his ground or it just happened accidently.
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