Is Jimmy Fallon died or alive, there are many rumors about his death online and people wanted to know about his death is true or not. There are many posts and tweets about her death especially on Twitter it is trending with the hashtags #RIPJimmyfallon. It is spread and trending topic on the internet. So keep connected and read this article.

On 14 November after a message from The Tonight Show went trending on Twitter a number of online users posted about Jimmy Fallon death. However it was just a rumor Jimmy Fallon is alive and is in the good of his health. But it is not sure.
Who Is Jimmy Fallon
James Thomas Fallon popular known as Jimmy Fallon is born 19 September 1974 in New York City, US. Jimmy is an American comedian, television host, actor and writer. He is known for his work in television as a cast member on Saturday Night Live and as the host of the late night talk show The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon which he began hosting after Late Night with Jimmy Fallon ended.
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